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How To Spend Less Money On Shopping and Still Be Happy

Few people are good at stopping themselves from spending more money, but for others, it can be a difficult task because many people enjoy buying more things and may believe it is unnecessary to control their desire to buy more. But what happens if the only way to get pleasure is to buy things? When you buy things that aren't really necessary in your life, you may find yourself in situations such as you may regret buying it when you don't need it; you may regret buying it even though you already have one; you may regret buying it because you don't use it; you may regret buying it when you can't afford it; and you start feeling overwhelmed when the clutter is accumulating. The pleasure of buying more starts converting into stress. As a long-time minimalist, I can attest to the joy of buying less and being clutter-free. Another thing to consider is that you do not have to adhere to minimalism in order to refrain from overspending; if spending less is your only goal, you ca...

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